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I am so not looking forward to the next couple of months. Well, I am looking forward to it all in a way, but mostly not.

The good news? We finally have some hardware to work on! But it’s also bad news because management has messed with schedules again and my cohort and I are scrambling to reorganize our plans, and get the paper needed to do the work written quickly enough to accomplish that work.

I’m actually looking forward to work for a while because I get to go “play” with the hardware and the awesome guys who do the actual work building and testing our satellite. The two clowns we immediately work for are still doing stupid stuff, but the “big boss” (who is stuck with stupidity of his own) gets that I’m just trying to do what’s necessary to get the job done right and has been making sure I have a say in how to make it happen, so that’s good too. I think he’s also a bit entertained that I can be a big pain in the ass to the other two in ways that others can’t get away with … I’m a little entertained with that too.

Anyway, there may be some overtime in my immediate future … again, good and bad. Extra money is good. Less time for me and the family is bad. But I have hardware to play with so overall it’s a good thing.

In other news, hubby is still doing well and the twitching is lessening a bit every week. He’s had so many people comment on how much improvement we see (he was initially frustrated with the twitching still being there) that he’s anxious for it to stop altogether.

And Darling Daughter and Son-In-Law are pregnant again! They told us a bit over a month ago but asked us to keep it to ourselves until they’d passed the three month mark just to be sure. She’s almost 4 months along now and based on the latest ultrasound the doc says it looks like a girl. Very awesome for a couple of reasons … I love all the cute little outfits available for little girls and had a blast dressing DD up when she was tiny. So looking forward to that! And she’s due in late August / early September so we’re looking at a Virgo baby. For those who know about the personalities of the astrological signs, DD is an Aries and can be full of drama so a Virgo girl will be a challenge for her … a thought that this (stubborn) Pisces mom finds very entertaining. *insert semi-evil laugh*

OK … time to get my butt in gear, feed the pup, and head to work. I hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday!

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